General information

Subject type: Optional

Coordinator: Lluís Albesa Albiol

Trimester: Third term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Ivette Callorda Boniatti
Jordi Sanchez Degree 

Teaching languages

  • Catalan
  • Spanish
  • English


Basic skills
  • Have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually in their area of ​​study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific, or ethical issues.

Specific skills
  • Identify the risks that arise for health, from the practice of inappropriate physical activities and sports and propose alternatives 

  • Perform physical activity and sports programs

  • Develop cognitive and technical resources for entrepreneurship in maritime activities, wellness and health


General competencies
  • Describe the physiological and biomechanical factors that condition the practice of physical activity and sport

  • Recognize the effects of physical exercise on the structure and function of the human body

  • Identify the effects of physical exercise on the psychological and social aspects of human beings

  • Understand the basics of play and sport

Transversal competences
  • Use the sources of certified scientific knowledge in the field of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences


The subject Physical Activity in Childhood and Adulthood, is a theoretical and practical subject whose main objective is to know in depth the characteristics of these two population groups in order to evaluate, plan, design and develop physical activity programs that promote the transfer to regular practice of physical activity in these population groups.

This optional subject aims to provide students with an extensive knowledge of those generic contents studied in other basic and specific subjects throughout their university training. The aim of this subject is to increase critical awareness of the importance of promoting physical activity and health in all groups, especially in young people and the elderly, as well as the implementation of training programs. training focused on high sports performance in young athletes to achieve optimal development in relation to each sport. The design, evaluation and implementation of these proposals must always be based on scientific evidence and under appropriate professional supervision.

This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.


  1. Basic concepts and contextualization.
  2. Exercise and its prescription in childhood and the elderly.
  3. Assessment of the different physical abilities in children and older adults.
  4. Adaptation of physical activity programs for special populations.

Evaluation system

Qualification system (Royal Decree 1125/2003, of 5 September, which establishes the European credit system and the system of qualifications in university degrees of an official nature and valid throughout the state):

0 - 4,9: Suspension (SS)
5,0 - 6,9: Approved (AP)
7,0 - 8,9: Notable (NT)
9,0 - 10: Excellent (SB)

The final grade of the student is the result of a continuous assessment through different assessment activities. The pass of the subject is obtained with a grade equal to or higher than 5 points (out of 10 points) according to the following weighting table:

Evaluation activity Weighting
Individual projects

Present in several = 45%

Group work

Present in several = 30%

Final exam

Present in several = 25%

Requirements to pass the assessment:

  • It is necessary that each of the sections of the evaluation activities previously exposed be passed with a mark equal or superior to 5.
  • Show evidence of continuous-weekly follow-up of each of the virtual sessions according to the terms set by the teachers. At least 60% of the evaluation activities proposed by the teachers must be completed and delivered.
  • Individual and group activities must be submitted within the established deadline and format. In no case are these evaluation activities recoverable.

The total or partial copy in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without option to present in the proof of recovery and without prejudice of the opening of a file for this reason


On the recovery of evaluation activities

  • In the event that the individual and / or group assessment activities are not passed, you will not be entitled to take the final exam. In this way the subject will be suspended.
  • In the case of suspending the evaluation activity of the final exam, it will be possible to access its recovery.
  • In accordance with current regulations, it will only be possible to opt for the resumption of the assessment activity of the exam if it has been suspended. In case of Not Presented, it will not be possible to opt for the recovery of this activity.



Ceballos, O. et al (coords) (2018). Physical activity and sport. INDIA. Barcelona

American College of Sports Medicine (2017). ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (10th ed). Baltimore: Lippincot Williams and Wilkins.

Claude Bouchard; Steven N. Blair; William Haskell. (2012). Physical Activity and Health. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

American College of Sports Medicine (2009). ACSM's Exercise Management for Persons with Chronic Diseases and Disabilities (3rd ed). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.


Batalla, A. (2000). Motor Skills. INDIA. Barcelona

Cañizares, JM., & Carbonero, C. (2017). Encyclopedia for parents on physical activity, health and education in children. Wanceulen. Seville

Devis, J, Peiró, C, Pérez, V, Ballester, E, Devís, Fco, Gomar, Mª Josep & Sánchez, R. (2009). Physical activity, sports and health. Barcelona: INDIA.

Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs. Ministry of Education and Science (2014). Physical activity and health in childhood and adolescence. Guide for all people involved in your education. Available at:

Consensus document on frailty and prevention of falls in the elderly. National health system. June 2014.


Sport and Health Physical Activity Plan (PAFES).

Comprehensive plan for health promotion through physical activity and healthy eating (PAAS).

Vivifrail Project (

WHO (2010). Global recommendations on physical activity for health. Available in:

Mirwald, R., Batcher-Jones, A., Bailey, D. & Beunen, G. (2002). An assessment of maturity from anthropometric measurements. Medicine Science Sports Exercise 34 (4), 689-694.  

Long-term athletes athletes development 2.1 (2006). Retrieved from

McArdle W., Katch F. & Katch V. (2015) Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy and Human Perfomance (8th ed). Baltimore: Lippincot Williams and Wilkins.

Bermejo, L. (2010). Active aging and socio-educational activities with the elderly. Guide to good practice. Madrid: Pan American medicine

Cummings, S. (2017). Biological Maturation in Youth Sports: Breaking Biases.