General information

Subject type: Basic

Coordinator: Jesus Ezequiel Martínez Marín

Trimester: Third term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Maria Teresa Gomez-valades Gonzalez

Teaching languages

  • Spanish

The use of Spanish enables the participation and mobility of foreign students in the Logistics and Maritime Business degree. 


Specific skills
  • Establish maritime and logistics business projects that allow the creation of new companies or the improvement of existing ones, adopting innovative and creative ideas

  • Demostrar capacitat per comunicar de manera fluida en llengua espanyola, catalana i anglesa de forma oral i escrita en l'entorn de la logística i els negocis marítims

  • Show knowledge and skills for the coordination of the departments of purchasing, supply, production and distribution of a product to any company, analyzing different types of techniques


This subject, focused on business direction and management, is an opportunity to meet the challenges that the future professional will demand of them, having to work in a sector in which more and more qualified and specialized personnel are demanded.

This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.

The TecnoCampus will make available to teachers and students the digital tools needed to carry out the course, as well as guides and recommendations that facilitate adaptation to the non-contact mode. 


This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in case it is necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.
The TecnoCampus will make available to teachers and students the digital tools needed to carry out the subject, as well as guides and recommendations that facilitate adaptation to the non-contact mode. 


This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity with online teaching if necessary, for reasons related to Covid-19. In this way, we will make sure the achievement of the same knowledge and skills as specified in this teaching plan. 

TecnoCampus will provide the teaching staff and students with the digital tools necessary to carry out the subject, as well as guides and recommendations that facilitate adaptation to online teaching and learning.

Learning outcomes

The acquisition of managerial skills that allow them to manage the human resources available in a timely and convenient manner in the areas related to logistics and maritime business that they have to manage.

Working methodology

Theoretical sessions

  • Master classes: face-to-face or online lecture class sessions based on the teacher's explanation, attended by all students enrolled in the subject.
  • Conferències: face-to-face sessions in which one or more specialists present their experiences or projects to other students.
  • presentations: multimedia formats that serve as support for face-to-face classes.

Guided learning

Seminars in which dynamics are enhanced in small groups such as debates, gamification, case studies, commenting on articles, oral presentations or theatrical performances.

Autonomous learning



Topic 1

Organizational behavior: 

The new global socio-economic paradigm has a direct impact on the design of current organizations. Understanding this change will help the leaders of the future to advance their strategies in order to adapt to uncertain future scenarios, placing the management of people as an added and core value of any organization.

  1. Organization concept
  2. The importance of human capital in organizations
  3. The individual-organization interrelationship

Topic 2

Motivation and job satisfaction

Money is no longer the main driver of work. In this new paradigm, management is based on commitment and trust. By doing there what one has committed to do. Retaining talent is a matter of internal motivation, project, flexibility and motivation and job satisfaction.

  1. Attitudes and satisfaction at work
  2. Motivation

Topic 3

Leadership in the workplace

The new organizational models increasingly present a structure around a collaboration between all its members, more focused on self-management and collective intelligence, which requires rethinking the figure of the leader. 

  1. From boss to leader: evolution of the concept of leadership
  2. Leadership in the XNUMXst century
  3. Self-Management
  4. Leadership, management and talent development: the coach leader and the mentor leader
  5. Ethics and leadership
  6. Leadership and conflict
  7. Female leadership

Topic 4

People management

The new digital era favors the development of more efficient, innovative and transformational teams. A new paradigm of organizing people, with more aware, responsible and autonomous teams.

  1. From the individual to the group: group properties and processes
  2. The formation of work teams: creation, types and processes of the teams
  3. The management of people in times of change. Learn, share and network.

Topic 5

Evaluation of people

Evaluation as an opportunity for improvement, beyond evaluation for internal promotion. 

  1. Performance evaluation and potential estimation
  2. The importance of feedback

Topic 6

Communication in organizations

Communication is the basis of the interpersonal relationship, which reflects the way the organization understands and relates to the world. It is currently the labor metacompetency of the XNUMXst century.

  1. Importance of communication in organizations
  2. Organizational communication: internal communication
  3. Organizational communication: climate and organizational culture

Topic 7

Communication skills and leadership

  1. Oral communicative competence: verbal and non-verbal communication
  2. Strategic communication skills. The VAK language and the report. Diamond Zeig
  3. Interpersonal communicative competence: assertiveness and active listening
  4. Digital communication skills: management of online meetings

Learning activities

Theoretical sessions

  • Master classes: expository class sessions based on the teacher's explanation, attended by all students enrolled in the subject.
  • Conferències: face-to-face sessions in which one or more specialists present their experiences or projects to other students.
  • presentations: multimedia formats that serve as support for face-to-face classes.


Guided learning

Seminars in which dynamics are enhanced in small groups such as debates, gamification, case studies, commenting on articles, oral presentations or theatrical performances.

  • Discussions and forums: face-to-face or online conversations. The debates have a start and end date and are facilitated by the teacher.
  • Case study: dynamic that starts from the study of a case, which serves to contextualize the student in a specific situation. The teacher can propose various activities, both individually and in groups, among the students.
  • Role-playing games: dynamic simulation in which each student plays a role specified by the teacher. As a "role", you will have access to specific information and you will have to "play" your cards, according to the rules of the game, in order to solve or experience the reference situation of the dynamic.

Autonomous learning

  • Exercise resolution: off-site activity dedicated to solving practical exercises based on the data provided by the teacher.
  • Critical reading of articles: students start from a working hypothesis that they will develop, while following the phases of the research methodology, including the critical reading of articles.
  • Tutorials: face-to-face and online. In the latter, the students will have telematic resources, such as e-mail and ESCSET's digital resources.

Evaluation system

It will consist of continuous assessment, with the following percentages:

Present in several = 30%: participation in activities proposed in the classroom. You will have to attend 80% of the sessions. Not recoverable.

Present in several = 10%: teamwork

10%: oral presentation of the written work. Not recoverable. 

Present in several = 50%: final exam.

To be able to carry out these weightings, it is an indispensable requirement presentation to the oral presentation of the work and pass both the final exam and the written work with a minimum grade of 5

If you get a grade of less than 5 in the final exam or the written work, the grade in the ordinary call will be suspended, with a final grade for the subject equal to that of the suspended part, with no option to set any percentage. In the case of suspending both parts - exam and work - the final grade of the suspended subject will be that of the final exam. 

When the final result in the ordinary call not reach 5, as a result of having applied the weightings and obtained a grade lower than 5, or as a result of having failed the exam and/or the written work, the student has the option to present himself for recovery.

In the recovery period, you must recover the suspended part or parts:

Written part of the teamwork: 10%

             Final exam: 50%

Those students who have not appeared at the regular call, with the extraordinary exception of the cases listed in point 2.3 of the Regulations for the evaluation and qualification of learning of the Higher School of Social Sciences and the Company-Technocampus. 



Robbins, Stephen P .; Judge, Timothy A. Organizational Behavior. Naucalpan de Juárez: Pearson, 2013. 13th edition

Laloux, Frederic. Reinvent organizations. Barcelona: Arpa y Alfil Editores, 2017. 4th ed.

Warden, Francisco. Learning from the best I - 21ª edition. Barcelona: Alienta, 2020.

Lencioni, Patrick. The five dysfunctions of a team: an intelligent model to form a cohesive and effective team. Madrid: Active company. 2003. 14th edition


Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Learn to flow. Barcelona: Kairós, 2007.  

Pink, Daniel. The amazing truth about what motivates us. Barcelona: Gestión 2000, 2010.  

Blog by Francisco Alcaide

Bock, Laszlo, The New Formula of Work. Barcelona: Connect. 2018


Covey, Stephen, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Barcelona: Planet. Last edition. 

Garcia, Santi. The art of directing people. Barcelona: Bedside books. 2016. 2nd edition

Guarnieri, Silvia. Coaching distinctions. LID Editorial. 2020