Que estàs buscant?
This subject is entirely delivered in English
CT1: Que els estudiants coneguin una tercera llengua, que serà preferentment l'anglès, amb un nivell adequat de forma oral i per escrit i d'acord amb les necessitats que tindran les graduades i els graduats en cada titulació.
Since most of the specialized technical literature students will come across is in English, this course aims to familiarise them with the typical structures, lexicon, and style of Technical English. Students will learn to interpret and translate technical texts related to their subject matters and to produce basic technical writings. They will also acquire basic writing skills in order to produce formal and informal letters, application letters, electronic mail, and briefs.
A strong focus will also be given to listening and speaking skills so that they may overcome everyday situations facilitating their integration into an English-speaking environment.
Content 1: Grammatical, syntactic, and lexical aspects of technical register in the field of electronics, mechanical engineering, and industrial organization
Related Activities:
Content 2: Technical register and technical translation. Reading comprehension of technical texts in the field of electronics, mechanical engineering, and industrial organization
Related Activities:
Content 3: Writing skills
Related Activities:
Content 4: Oral skills
Related Activities:
Assessment Methodology
Classroom exercises and homework exercises will be collected on all the items of the course and a written test will be done according to the following assessment criteria:
If necessary, there will be a RESIT EXAM of points 1, 2, and 4 of the assessment (see above): 70% of the final mark. The remaining 30% corresponds to activity 3 above (Oral Skills). A minimum grade of 4 (out of 10) will be required in the resit exam to pass the subject.
Rules for Doing the Activities
If one of the activities, tests, or exercises is not delivered in due time by the student, it will be considered as not assessed.
The student will not be allowed to use notes, dossier, or dictionaries in the exam(s)
No piece of work, exercise, or assignment that is proved to have been copied from a classmate will be accepted, upon the risk that the author will directly fail the module.
Total or partial PLAGIARISM of any of the assignments will be automatically qualified as FAIL (0). And, if plagiarism is repeated, the module will be given a fail (0).
PLAGIARISM consists of copying text from unacknowledged sources, whether this is part of a sentence or a whole text, which is intended as the student’s own text. It includes cutting and pasting from Internet sources, presented unmodified in the student’s own text. PLAGIARISM IS A SERIOUS OFFENCE. Students must respect authors’ intellectual property, always identifying the sources they may use. They must also be responsible for the originality and authenticity of their own texts.
Handouts, J. García. 2021
Polytechnic Dictionary of Spanish and English Languages. F. Beigbeder Atienza. Diaz de Santos, S.A.
Diccionario McGraw-Hill de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica
Technical Writing and Professional Communication for Nonnative Speakers of English, Huckin and Olsen. McGraw-Hill, 1991
Essential Grammar in Use. Murphy, R. Cambridge 2003
English for Science and Technology, Trimble, L. Cambridge 1985
The Essence of Technical Communication. Herbert L. Hirsch. IEEE Press. 2000
Test Your Professional English: Business : General. Flinders, Steve, and Steve Flinders. Harlow, Essex, Eng: Pearson Education, 2002. Print.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dictionary (English/Spanish-Spanish/English). Steven M. Kaplan, 2000. Wiley Intescience Ed.
Bonamy, David. Technical English 4. Coursebook and Workbook, Harlow, UK:
Pearson Education, 1995.
Beer, David and McMurrey, David. A Guide to Writing as an Engineer (4th ed.),
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
Bonamy, David. Technical English 3. Coursebook and Workbook, Harlow, UK:
Pearson Education, 2011.