Un estudiant de la Savonia University of Applied Sciences ha fet arribar a la Unitat d'Atenció a la Comunitat Universitària (UACU) una proposta per fer pràctiques. Aquest és el correu que ens ha enviat. 

"Información a tener en cuenta:
Período: 3 meses, del 1 de Junio al 31 de Agosto.
Remuneración: no es necesaria, aunque agradecerá alguna ayuda económica para gastos de bolsillo.
Área de trabajo: At this point of my education I already know C, C#, C++ and Java and since we're at the moment learning mobile languages (Java ME and Windows Phone) I assume that by the end of May I have a good grip of them too. In addition to these "real programming languages" I've also good skills in web developing with languages XHTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, some jQuery and from the graphics side of the web developing I know well the major graphics programs and creating curve of a website layout. The most interesting area for me is the web developing because that's what I've done before and I know I'm good at. But I'm not afraid of challenges and would also like to see what is it like to write programs in company level - so far I've used the C etc. programming languages only in school and school related projects.
Idioma: Inglés."
Si alguna empresa del TCM hi està interessada, ens ho hauria de comunicar aquesta setmana.


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